Editing widgets

Site customization

The Sites Editor is composed of a series of widgets. Generally speaking, a widget can be edited by clicking it and then clicking the Edit button on the top right hand corner. More detailed information on the individual widgets is available below.

Editing the Now Playing widget

The Now Playing widget displays the details of the Media Asset currently playing in the Player and comments.

To edit the Now Playing widget:

  1. Hover your mouse over the Now Playing widget (next to the Player)
  2. Click EDIT
  3. Check/uncheck the boxes in the Featuressection to:
    1. Enable the Social bookmarkstab
    2. Enable the Downloadable media option
    3. Enable the Downloadable transcripts option
    4. Enable Media tags option
    5. Enable the Commentstab and/or
    6. Enable the Show Media Published date
  4. Click the close (x) button

Changing the Now Playing Widget Colors

  1. Click the Colors tab in the Settings menu on right hand side to display color settings for default, mouse over, and selected
  2. Select a tab
  3. Click a color swatch in front of the area of Now Playing Widget that you want to change.

Editing the Comments Widget

You can change the way your comments section appears on a Site by changing its comments text, attribution text and pagination colors.

  1. Hover your mouse over the Comment text box
  2. Click EDIT to see the comments widget design settings displayed
  3. Click the color swatch of the area you want to edit; text, comment, and attribution (date and visitors name) or paging
  4. Make a color selection
  5. Click outside the color palette box to save new colors.

Editing the Mediagrid widget

The Media grid widget displays the next videos to be played in the Player. You can find this area below the Player.

  1. Hover your mouse over the Mediagrid widget
  2. Click EDIT

Changing the mediagrid colors

  1. Click Colors tab in the Settings menu on right hand side to display color settings for default, mouse over, and selected
  2. Select a tab
  3. Click a color swatch in front of the area and select a new color

Editing Social Bookmarks Widget

  1. Hover the mouse over the social bookmarks widget at bottom of the Now Playing Widget
  2. Click EDIT to display Social Bookmarks Settings menu on the right hand side
  3. Select or de-select the social media bookmarks that you want to display on the Site
  4. Select the Size of bookmarks
  5. Select the Style of bookmarks
  6. Select the alignment for bookmarks
  7. Select the E-mail check box to enable sharing the Site through email with the URL

Getting Started
Your Library
Managing Media
Embedding Your Media
Media Players
Managing Your Account
Managing Events
Technical Information