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Single Sign-on for console users

New Feature Security
Hero image for Single Sign-on for console users

Single Sign-on(SSO) allows your organization to connect their corporate login seamlessly to Viostream. No more separate username and password! As long as your organization uses a OpenID / SAML supported login (e.g. Azure AD, Google, Ping Federate, Okta).

Who is this release for?

This release is relevant to all Viostream users, but primarily account admins or owners will be most interested. To enable SSO you must be an administrator of your Viostream account and have access to your SSO solution to set it up.

How do I set this up?

As mentioned you must be an account administrator of your Viostream account. SSO is an account wide setting and will therefore be found in the ‘Account Management’. To enable SSO please click ‘Enable SSO’ in the ‘Users’ section. Once this form is filled out our Customer Success team will be in contact to assist you in completing the SSO setup.

You can find the full guide here.

Anything else I should know?

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is also supported through your SSO provider when it is enabled. All security parameters from your SSO provider will be acknowledged.

Media Library UX Improvements

Mutli Factor Authentication

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