Events Overview

Available for Viostream plans: Professional Enterprise

Learn the capabilities of a Viostream Event

From the start, Viostream’s Events tab was built around hosting and controlling large-scale live streams such as AGMs. In addition to this use case, On Demand content can also be added to an Event and controlled much in the same way as a Live Asset.

Similar to how Sites host Media Assets, Events host Live Assets as well as Media Assets, but with specialized controls and options.

Creating and setting up an Event

  1. From the Events Library, click New Event
  2. Type in an Event name and click Create
  3. Configure and saved your desired options
  4. Click Publish to make your Event live

Created Events and be seen by their title within the Events Library. If you have not before created an Event, then this page will be empty.

Once your Event has been created and configured, share the Event URL with your viewers and get familiar with the controls to run your Event.

Getting Started
Your Library
Managing Media
Embedding Your Media
Media Players
Managing Your Account
Managing Events
Technical Information