Media Asset Overview

Available for these roles: Admin Publisher Creator

Everything you need to manage your Media Asset can be accessed by navigating to the Library, locating your asset and clicking on its Title.

Screenshot of the media asset overview dialogue


When selecting a Media Asset, you will be greeted with the Media Detail screen. This is where you can view and edit the metadata for this Media Asset, such as its title, description, and tags.


The Captions tab allows you to edit and publish captions that have been generated for you using automated speech recognition. You can also order premium captions and transcripts, upload your own captions and transcripts, and edit the titles of your audio tracks (if your Media Asset has more than one audio track).


The Thumbnails tab allows you to manage the thumbnail that will be displayed in the Player before a viewer clicks play.


The Stats tab provides a quick summary of the most important playback statistics for your video. To drill down further, you can click through to the Analytics feature using the View Full Insights button.


The Media Timeline enables you to create Chapters (navigation points) in your Media Asset for easy navigation by your viewers.


Available for Professional Enterprise Viostream plans

The Media Timeline enables you to manage Overlays. These are time-based overlays (either text or images) that provide links to external sites. This enables you to drive traffic to your landing pages and create an interactive experience with the viewer.

Getting Started
Your Library
Managing Media
Embedding Your Media
Media Players
Managing Your Account
Managing Events
Technical Information