
Manage the preview thumbnails that are displayed before viewers play your videos

A Thumbnail is the preview image that displays inside the Player before a viewer plays a video. When you first upload a video, Viostream takes a Thumbnail at the 10 second mark. You can also create your own Thumbnails from the video, or upload alternate images.

Viewing Thumbnails

  1. From the Library, locate the Media Asset you wish to modify and click on its Title
  2. Click on the Thumbnails tab

Inside this tab you will find a default Thumbnail already created. This is the same image you see in the Library.

Capturing Thumbnails

To create a new Thumbnail, use the Media Preview to seek to the desired section of the video, and then click the button. Viostream then captures a Thumbnail directly from the video and sets it as the default.

Uploading Thumbnails

To upload a Thumbnail from outside of the platform, select Add from within the Thumbnail menu, and choose a file that you would like to upload.

Changing Thumbnails

To choose a different Thumbnail, click one of the images. Select Set as Default to assign the image as the Thumbnail. To delete an image, click the icon within that dialogue box.

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