Setting up your Event

Available for Viostream plans: Professional Enterprise

Configure your Event options to finish the set-up

Once you have created your new Event, click it’s title within the Events Library and you will be taken to the details page of that Event. Start setting your Event from this tab and then move onto the others.


Screenshot displaying the details tab of an event

The first tab viewed when entering into an Event Asset is the Details page. Here you can set some of the basic requirements needed for an Event.

  • Title: The name of the Event within the platform.
  • Display Title: The name of the Event from within a published Event.
  • Summary: Text that appears underneath the Player and inside the published Event. Best used to provide a description of the Event.
  • Scheduled start: Date and time for when the Event will commence. This will be displayed inside the Event page.
  • Scheduled end: Time of expected Event conclusion. This is displayed within the Event page as Duration. Default end time is one hour after start.
  • Timezone: Selects timezone displayed. Event creation runs off the timezone applied within your computer’s system settings.
  • Audience view: Displays current Event state.


Templates are used to create and load Event styles for you to select. Create a new template by selecting Create a New template. Give the template a name and choose a blueprint to base it off.

Templates control things such as header images, Player selection, and Event page design through CSS controls.

Pre event

There are four Event States within Viostream’s Events system. The first of which is Pre event. Event States can be selected and controlled through the Director controls, but we will get into that a little later.

Pre and Post Event States are similar and have the same options to customize.

  • Asset Type: Either select Image or Media to change the following option selection.
  • Image Asset: Click Select Image to upload an image from your drive to use as a holding image.
  • Media Asset: Click Select Media to select a Media Asset from the Library to use as your holding content.
  • Description:
    • Use “Summary” Text: Copies the same Summary text from the Details tab.
    • Use “custom” Text: Use different text if you wish for an alternate summary within the Pre and Post States.
  • Save: Click to save the current changes.

During event

The During State is where your main content will reside. Typically, this is a Live Asset so that you can control your live stream Event, but you may also want to host On Demand content within this Event State.

  • Media Asset: Click Add Media to select an existing Media Asset for the During State. By default, this will search Live Assets existing within the account. If you wish to select an On Demand video, change the Filter to On Demand.
  • Description:
    • Use “Summary” Text: Copies the same Summary text from the Details tab.
    • Use “custom” Text: Use different text if you wish for an alternate summary within the Pre and Post States.
  • Save: Click to save the current changes.

Post event

This state uses the same options and controls as the Pre state. This will be the state switched to when the Event has concluded.


Ondemand is the fourth state for an Event which has mostly the same options as During, but with a slight functional difference.

  • Media Asset: Click Select Media to add a Media Asset from the Library. You cannot select a Live Asset from this option.
  • Description:
    • Use “Summary” Text: Copies the same Summary text from the Details tab.
    • Use “custom” Text: Use different text if you wish for an alternate summary within the Pre and Post States.
  • Save: Click to save the current changes.
  • Enable OnDemand: Toggle this option to activate the selected On Demand content.


There are a variety of Widgets you can add into your Event page and in three locations: Tab, Right, and Below.


Add information about your Event’s speakers into this section. The information will be viewable withing the Event page when published.

  1. From the Speakers tab, click Add
  2. Fill out the Name field as well as the Biography field to present information on the speaker
  3. Click the white square that says *Upload Image** and select an image of the speaker from your drive
  4. Click Save

The speaker will now be added into the Event page. You can go back and change the previous fields by clicking on the icon next to the relevant speaker.

Upload a document (such as a PDF or Powerpoint) that you would like an Event viewer to be able to download and view. This will create a section in the Event page labelled Related Documents. Viewers will be able to interact with all uploaded documents by either opening them in the browser or downloading the file.


On first opening the Access tab, there will be two options to toggle.

  • Enable Restriction Profiles: Toggling this option will present you with a dropdown selection of the Restriction Profiles that are set up within this Viostream account. Please read our other help document on how to set up and manage Restriction Profiles
  • Enable Viewer Registration: This will enable the Event to be view only by those who are registered for it. Toggling this option will present three further options that allow you to configure how these viewers are registered.
    • Viostream registered viewers: This will force viewers to sign up for the Event when navigating to the Event page. Registrations can also be approved or disapproved by the Event admin by configuring further options within this toggle.
    • SAML Login: This is an industry-standard Single-Sign-On (SSO) framework that can allow you to control these options from a single location. Please contact your IT team for the relevant information that will be required to use this feature.

Registered Viewers

This tab will allow you to manage the viewers that have been registered through the methods you read previously. There are three main categories that Registered Users fall under, and you can control which one of these categories certain Registered Viewers belong.

  • Active Viewers: These are viewers that have been approved and are allowed into the Event.
  • Pending Viewers: These are viewers that have not yet been approved or disapproved.
  • Suspended Viewers: These are viewers that have been denied access to the Event.

Getting Started
Your Library
Managing Media
Embedding Your Media
Media Players
Managing Your Account
Managing Events
Technical Information